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About Us

UrbanChat technologies Private ltd

UrbanChat provides cutting-edge chatbot solutions tailored to enhance customer engagement across various industries. Our services include WhatsApp API integration, bulk messaging, AI-driven chatbots, and CRM integrations. With UrbanChat, businesses can streamline communication, automate processes, and improve customer satisfaction.

We also offer specialized features like Facebook lead ad integration, IVR services, and payment gateway integration, making UrbanChat the ideal partner for your digital transformation.

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Our Mission & Values

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Enhance Customer Experiences

We strive to create chatbots that provide exceptional, personalized interactions, driving customer satisfaction and loyalty.

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Streamline Operations

We help businesses automate and streamline processes, reducing costs and improving productivity.

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Foster Innovation

We continuously innovate and adapt our chatbot technology to stay at the forefront of AI advancements, enabling our clients to stay competitive.

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Enable Growth

By offering scalable chatbot solutions, we support businesses of all sizes in reaching their growth and revenue goals.

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Promote Sustainability

We are dedicated to developing eco-friendly AI solutions that minimize environmental impact and contribute to a sustainable future.

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Embrace a culture of continuous innovation, encouraging your team to explore new ideas and technologies to stay at the forefront of the field.

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Prioritize the needs and satisfaction of your customers. Always strive to deliver value and exceptional service.

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Uphold the highest ethical standards in all business practices, including data privacy and security.

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Team Collaboration

Foster a collaborative work environment where team members can share ideas and work together effectively.

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Be open to change and ready to adapt to evolving market trends and customer preferences.

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Commit to delivering high-quality products and services, ensuring your chatbots are reliable and effective.

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Learning and Development

Encourage the continuous learning and professional growth of your team members, staying current with industry trends and technologies.

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Take responsibility for the impact of your chatbot technology on society, ensuring it contributes positively to the well-being of users and communities.

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Be flexible in meeting the unique needs of different clients and industries with tailored chatbot solutions.

Explore Our Offerings

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Custom Chatbot Development

Develop bespoke chatbots tailored to the specific needs and requirements of your clients, including design, programming, and implementation.

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Chatbot Integration

Help clients seamlessly integrate chatbots into their existing systems, such as websites, mobile apps, and CRM platforms.

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Chatbot Training and Maintenance

Provide training and ongoing maintenance services to ensure that chatbots remain up to date and effective.

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Chatbot Analytics

Offer analytics and reporting services to track chatbot performance, user engagement, and provide insights for optimization.

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E-commerce Chatbots

Create chatbots specifically designed to assist with online shopping, recommend products, and facilitate customer support for e-commerce businesses.

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Customer Support Chatbots

Build chatbots that handle customer inquiries, troubleshooting, and FAQs to improve customer service and reduce response times.

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Lead Generation Chatbots

Develop chatbots that engage website visitors and collect information for lead generation and sales follow-up.

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Healthcare Chatbots

Create chatbots for the healthcare industry that can assist with appointment scheduling, symptom assessment, and patient education.

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Finance Chatbots

Offer chatbot solutions for financial institutions, such as banks and insurance companies, to provide account information, answer financial queries, and assist with transactions.

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HR Chatbots

Develop chatbots for human resources departments to handle employee inquiries, onboarding processes, and policy information.

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Education Chatbots

Create chatbots for educational institutions to support students with course enrollment, scheduling, and academic information.

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Event Chatbots

Build chatbots for event management companies to provide event information, ticketing, and attendee engagement.

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Travel and Tourism Chatbots

Develop chatbots for travel agencies and tourism organizations to assist with travel bookings, travel tips, and destination information.

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Legal Chatbots

Create chatbots that offer basic legal advice, document preparation, and legal information for law firms and individuals.

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Real Estate Chatbots

Build chatbots for real estate agencies to assist with property search, listing information, and appointment scheduling.

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SaaS Integration

Develop chatbots that integrate with software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications to provide enhanced user experiences and automation.

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AI Chatbot Platform

Offer a comprehensive chatbot development platform that enables clients to create and manage their chatbots with ease.

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Natural Language Processing (NLP)

UrbanChat is equipped with NLP algorithms that enable them to understand and process human language, engaging in conversations with users in a natural and human-like manner.

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FAQ Handling

UrbanChat can efficiently handle frequently asked questions by providing quick and accurate responses, reducing the workload on human customer support agents.

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Transactional Capabilities

UrbanChat can facilitate transactions, such as placing orders, booking appointments, or making reservations, directly within the conversation.

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API Integration

UrbanChat can integrate with external systems and databases via APIs, allowing them to access and retrieve information or perform actions on behalf of users.

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UrbanChat can handle a large volume of concurrent conversations, making them suitable for businesses with high customer interaction demands.

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24/7 Availability

UrbanChat is available round the clock, providing instant support and information to users at any time.

Contact Us

HEAD OFFICE: Urbanchat Technologies Private Limited 2nd Floor Gracenest Building, Kaloor ,Ernakulam 682017

Regional office: 2nd Floor Ebenezer buidling, Palayam, Trivandrum, 695001

+919633353924/ +919946812341

24*7 support